Meet Tom...

Thomas Gay is the founder/leader of EngagePro and the Rapid Referral Results coaching program, and a life-long entrepreneur. Earlier, Tom started and grew and then later to serve millions of clients globally in having a systematic process to build referral success in their businesses.

Tom's firms have twice won the prestigious INC 500 Award for high growth companies, and he's been named one of the " 5 Best Undiscovered Small Company CEOs" by Individual Investor Magazine.

After 7 successful startups, Tom's also been focused on helping non-profits and ministries gain access to financial resources to fulfill their purpose using the same relationship tools that are so effective in the marketplace.

Here's our proven tools to help you get great results!

EngagePro... a simple online tool to build trusted relationships that grow your business or organization. EngagePro is described as the easy way to implement the timeless steps of the famous "Go-Giver" books and philosophy.

ChatBridge... a new, easy-to-use, time savings solution helping people turn the time they spend in virtual networking into follow-up opportunities and results. The secret to success in networking comes through following up after your meetings. Online networking is the usual first step in finding new opportunities, and that's now easy.

The EngagePro Referrals Made Easy Community... now everything that that Tom's learned, applied and taught to thousands over his career has been brought together in one coaching, learning and tools center. This includes a collection of courses, workshop videos, tools, tips and a collaborative membership community.

Want to learn how you can easily get the sales results you want?

Click Here: Let's Talk and See If We're a Fit!